The MINI 4(four)

model: The MINI 4(four) Air
5'1" x 20 1/2" x 2 3/8"
recommendation size: 4'10"-----5'5"
Original Design of Manuel C. Caro
Design arrenged by Eishin Sato.

Nallow scoop shape of nose like SIMMONS.
Combex to single double cons combo bottom contour
Low entry Displacement hull rocker + highperformance tail rocker.

Just choose LOKBOK system or Glass-ON

***New sense of slide feel reborn by Manny
Mind of respect to Manny Caro of MANDALA custom shapes***

model: The MINI 4(four)Bat
5'0" x 21" x 2 3/8"
recommendation size: 4'10"-----5'5"
Original Design of Manuel C. Caro
Design arrenged by Eishin Sato.

Nallow scoop shape of nose like SIMMONS.
Combex to single double cons combo bottom contour
Low entry Displacement hull rocker + highperformance tail rocker.

Just choose LOKBOK system or Glass-ON

***New sense of slide feel reborn by Manny
Mind of respect to Manny Caro of MANDALA custom shapes***